Where can I find my sponsor/referral link?

In order to have your own referral link and to be able to enrol new Independent Healy World Members (IHWM) or Customers, you need to have the Distributor status.
You can check your current status in your Backoffice.
If you have the Distributor status you will find your referral link in your Backoffice dashboard under Tools and Referral links.

Depending on your prospect’s residence, you will need to select the correct country link.

For example, if you want to enroll someone in France, you need the referral link to the Europe Shop. If the potential member/customer comes from Canada, you need the referral link to the Canada Shop.

If you are not sure about your new prospect’s residence or maybe want to use the link in a global advertisement, you can use the “Global Link“, which leads onto a landing page where the new prospect can choose this country by himself/herself.

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