When I try to connect Healy for the first time, I see (in red): “Anderes” device.

“Anderes” is German for “other”, it means “other device”. There are two reasons why this could happen:   1) The first reason may be that there are too many devices in your vicinity. The Healy App is scanning for about 10 seconds and then shows you all the devices it picked up during this time. If there are many devices present and it didn’t pick up yours, it shows “Anderes” / other device.   2) If no other devices are in near, then the serial number which is coded into the Healy device might be wrong, or the serial number printed on the back of your Healy is wrong. This can be easily tested by using the HealAdvisor Analyse App. Start the HealAdvisor Analyse App and check which serial number is displayed. If the serial number doesn’t match the serial number on the back of your Healy, you know you have a serial number mismatch. Then, when the serial number displayed in the HealAdvisor Analyse App is entered manually, the connection is established. If the format of the serial number displayed in the HealAdvisor Analyse App does not match the format 01:01:01:XX:XX:XX, you may have a defective device that needs to be replaced by customer support.

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