Can’t find my Healy device in the smartphone Bluetooth settings.

Connecting the Healy device does not go through your Bluetooth settings. Instead, you can connect to both Healy App and HealAdvisor Analyse App in these Apps. The connection screen in both Healy App and HealAdvisor Analyse App appears after reading through the Disclaimer and pressing “I have a Healy”. Make sure that the Healy is turned on before continuing. When you come to the connection screen in the Healy App, it will ask you to input the Serial Number or scan the QR code (both on the back of the Healy device). In the HealAdvisor Analyse App it will search for any active Bluetooth device. Once the Healy is found, its Serial Number will appear, on which you can then click in order to start the connection. You can find more information about the connection process in the manuals.

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