How do I receive phone notifications on Healy Watch?

In order to enable this functionality, follow the 3 steps below:
1) Go to Settings – Device Settings and find the Smart Notification section. Access it and turn the notifications setting on, either for all available apps/mediums or for just some of them.
2) Next, a pop-up will appear asking you to grant permission to the Healy Watch App to access your phone’s notifications. Allow the Healy Watch App to gain access to your phone’s notifications (for iOS it appears immediately when starting the App).
3) On Android: make sure that the Healy Watch is connected to the Healy Watch App when you are getting the notifications. They won’t be shown on your Healy Watch if it is not connected to the phone. On iOS: the Healy Watch App does not need to be turned on in the background if you accepted the Bluetooth connection permissions the first time you start the App (on login screen).

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