Why is the Healy not found by either the Healy or the HealAdvisor Analyse app?

The Healy App and HealAdvisor Analyse App cannot be connected to the Healy at the same time. If the apps are running individually and do not connect to the Healy, please check the following: 1. Is the Healy fully charged? 2. Is the Healy turned on? 3. Is the Healy also in the range of the smartphone (<10m)? 4. Is the Healy possibly connected to another smartphone? If yes, please disconnect it.Please perform the following steps: 1. Close all apps on your smartphone and launch the Healy app. 2. Perform a hardware reset by pressing and holding the power button for 20 seconds. 3. Delete the Bluetooth data of your smartphone and restart it. 4.Reinstall the Healy app.

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